Data not uploading?

The device may not be connected to the Internet, or can not connect to Servers. In this case, wait 2 or 3 hours.

1. All Logs stopped uploading


  1. Security settings/apps or memory cleaners stopped MobiSafer app.
  2. Battery saver is enabled.
  3. Background Internet data is restricted.
  4. Check the following settings
  5. Battery Saver
  6. Battery Optimization
  7. Usage access
  8. Accessibility (Social media outgoing messages and Call recordings)
  9. Google Play Protect
  10. Notification access(for incoming chat messages)

2. No logs update except SurroundingsRemote Cam and GPS ?


The phone is in standby/sleep mode (the screen is off or Low Battery).

How to fix it?

Nothing, just wait for the phone to be unlocked and the other logs will be uploaded.

3. No Chat Logs or Chat Logs are Incomplete


One or more settings are not enabled including Message Preview, Notification Access, Accessibility Service.

How to fix it?

  1. Get the monitored phone in your hand and unlock it.
  2. Go to Settings-Accessibility-Mobile Data-Set to ON
  3. Go to Settings-Notification Access-Mobile Data-Set to ON

5. No Location Records


  • Location service is not enabled in the device settings.
  • Battery saver is enabled.

How to fix it?

  1. Get the monitored phone in your hand and unlock it.
  2. Go to the phone Settings > Security & Location > Location. If you don’t see “Security & Location,” tap Location. Enable the Location Service.
  3. Go to the phone Settings – Battery and make sure Battery Saver is turned off.

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